2025 Wellness Passport

Try 25 different programs at The Gathering Place involving movement, nutrition, creative arts and meditation, education, and more. By participating, you will be building healthy lifestyle behaviors and coping strategies. 

After attending a program, receive a stamp in your passport. Enter your name into a raffle for every 5 stamps you collect. Win prizes like kitchen tools, exercise equipment, and gift cards! Raffle winners will be announced the first week of April.

Join anytime January - March 2025. Pick up a passport booklet at the front desk or request by email. 


Questions? Please contact:

Stephanie Hopkins | 216-455-1525

Sarah Axner Gilmore | 216-455-1516

How to earn stamps:

Earn one stamp for participating

Earn one stamp per nutrition class

Earn one stamp per movement class (duplicate classes honored once per month) Health and fitness screening required before exercising. Connect with Sandy Conochan at 216-455-1529.

Earn one stamp per education class

Earn one stamp per creative arts & meditation class (duplicate classes honored once per month

Earn one stamp per TGP Kids class

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How do I receive a stamp from a virtual program? After attending a virtual program in the booklet, please email Stephanie (hopkins@touchedbycancer.org) or Sarah (gilmore@touchedbycancer.org) to receive a virtual stamp. Next time you are at The Gathering Place (Beachwood or Westlake) you can receive a stamp in your passport by visiting the front desk.
  • What if I am not eligible for a program or if a program takes place on the other side of town from me? Many different programs, that hopefully appeal to a range of interests, are included to offer something for everyone.
  • Can I get more than one stamp for an exercise program? For example, if I go to yoga every week, how many stamps can I receive? The goal of the passport program is to expand your participation in a variety of activities. One stamp will be allotted for one specific exercise program such as yoga, per month - although we hope enjoy and go back for more! 
  • Can I retroactively receive a stamp? Yes, whether you forget to get a stamp after a program or if you pick up a passport booklet halfway through the quarter, you can retroactively collect stamps for programs you have already attended.
  • I am attending a series with more than one class involved in the series, does each class in the series earn a stamp? One stamp will be provided per series, even if the series involves more than one class. For example, if you sig up for the aquatic therapy series, you can receive one stamp in total.
  • Can I earn a stamp for attending support group sessions? Stamps cannot be earned for attending support groups, as we recognize that groups are not for everyone and we do not want to incentivize group attendance. 

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