Medical Resources

  • Advanced Cancers

    A diagnosis of advanced cancer is a time for the patient and everyone they love to have the difficult conversation about their wishes for end of life care.

  • Coping with cancer treatment and side effects

    Patients tell us that the side effects of cancer treatment can be harder than the cancer itself. This makes sense when you realize that cancer does not cause nausea or hair loss, but chemotherapy can. We also hear from many of our participants that the anticipation of the potential side effects was much worse than what they actually experienced. That being said, it is important to know that there are things you can do to reduce side effects.

  • Newly Diagnosed? Here's a list of questions to ask your healthcare team.

    New diagnosed? Before your next doctor's appointment, find the right questions to ask your doctor as you begin to prepare for your journey. When you ask the right questions, you should be able to better understand your cancer and your options.

  • Treating recurrence

    Many people want to do anything possible to treat cancer that has come back. Your doctor will talk with you about different treatment options and how effective each one is likely to be. You might also decide to get a second opinion or get treated at a comprehensive cancer center that has more experience with your type of cancer.